You’re Fired!

March 23, 2010 at 1:20 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , )

My first blog. What a joy, like a first bike, gotta learn how to ride it. No, I have never blogged before, but I do tend to punch out some descent poems and short stories now and again, used to have an online journal too so I figured why the hell not. You know a little but about me from my description, so lets start finding that common ground I was talking about. Have you ever been fired? Or the sugar-coated term “let go”? Happened to me today. Never in my life have I ever been “let go”. So it was quite a surprise needles to say. The woman was disgustingly sweet about it, apologizing and telling me “good luck”. How nice. Though, im not as bitter about it as perhaps I should be, since she never gave a solid answer, it can only be assumed she did not like my cleaning methods I used on her house, or lack their of I suppose she might say. Go off topic with me here for a sec. I hate to assume. I really do believe you should never assume or preguess anything, but damn is it hard not to do that! i use the word “assume” way more times than I ever should in my vocabulary. I don;t even particularly care for the word. Say it out loud, “assume” doesn’t it sound pompous? Like you should have your nose in the air. “Assume”. What about you all do think you assume things too often? Anyway, back on topic. Getting fired. The pros: 1. I can spend more time with my horse. 2. I have an open day to schedule a class at my local community college. 3. Hmm…..nope there is no three just two pros.  Cons: 1. Im out $170 bucks a month. 2.Now I have to redo my finances 3. Really glad I didn’t purchase a car, dog, or another horse like I wanted too. (maybe that would be a pro? idk) 4. Equine Affaire is coming up. Equine Affaire = expensive. And for those of you who don’t know, Equine Affaire is a HUGE horse convention in Ohio for fellow horse nerds like myself, I will do a blog about it and put some info in there for anyone who’s interested. Or you can just google it, that would be a faster way than waiting for my ass. And those are all the cons I can think of at this time. Thankfully, I only have two bills. My months board for my horse Jay, and my student loans (which im so far ahead in i don’t owe another payment for months, yes i am proud of this) Well three if you count Netflix. And damn do I love Netflix. Makes me feel like I get real mail. Anybody else love Netflix? Alright well, I think I hear Facebook calling me, my crack. So have you ever been fired? Were you mad, happy, etc? Do you assume too much too? Do you not assume enough? And do you love Netflix? Do you hate it? Leave me some comments telling me what you think. Feel free to rant and rave, that’s what im here for 🙂

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